Thursday, 24 March 2011

Here, I addressed my audience directly and asked them what they liked or did not like about the magazine. You can see that my target audience are attracted to my magazine  as they all say they like it. I asked them for constructive criticisms, but as you can see, the majority of the comments are positive.
I have addressed my audience through the creation of my magazine as the bands I have used and the image I have used throughout the magazine. I can tell that these sort of things attract my target audience because the images and bands etc. are similar to that of NME, and NME has a similar target audience to Output. My magazine is appropriate to my audience through the conventions it uses. My magazine would attract more people if I raised people's awareness of it through marketing - I could use viral marketing through the internet or possibly cross media convergence through the use of television adverts. This would all attract my audience and make them more likely to buy the Output magazine.

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